Friday, December 31, 2010

The Twenty 1-1

hey frens...u r twenty eleven right??do u know twenty ten?....well..there is lot of joyful and memories along this 2010 years...and as I met u the little 2011..lets give me bright future and lot more adventure and joyful momentous...I'm really welcoming u frens..for dear twenty ten....good bye to you (feel like crying plak..knape ni??so much memories, hehe..)thanks for make a good fren with me ya..thanks also to Allah s.w.t. for this chances to make me feel like a Man...thanks to my family and frens for the supports along the year ..the beginning of my career in Engineering...what a life...sobsobsob....anyway...lets all cheeeerrrr!!!!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Yahoo!!!esk cuti sempena malaysia menang bola!!

29th Dec 2010 became the sacred date for us as a malaysian as we win the AFF Suzuki to Mr. Rajagobal and his subordinates for all their focus and courage to end the 14 years drought season of waiting for the winning. the great goal from safee sali will be remembered among Malaysian and especially Indonesian players. beautiful games will never last with full of supports from malaysian guys and girls out there..keep on supporting our Malaysian team in whatever sports and make this moments embrace in hearts, our PM has announced 31st Dec as public holiday closing the year end 2010...thanks a a malaysian..I do proud born and living in this peaceful make this moments more interesting...lets us prepare for the upcoming NEW YEAR 2011.....lets celebrate it smartly and for sure blessed by ALLAH s.w.t....lets 2011 become more and more enjoyable moments!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Rendezvous Momentous

Backside boardslide Mont Kiara Skate park.. very favorite games ever...after a long time break due to lack of time, busy of i'm back to catch up long lost trick I've ever love...rasa mcm mati hidup kembali you know....very awesome...pernah dengar pepatah 'ikan pulang ke lubuk' it's sound like that lah..hehehe...doing things that you really love make you feel so much better and full of pleasure...but entah la...I really hope that I can skate since kinda busy of work lately..kerja oh kerja...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Road Safety!!!

here and there..we heard almost every day...people died by road car, by lorry, motorcycle and even a bus (referring to hot news on accident at Simpang Pulai-Cameron Highlands)..hearing this make us feel scared to be on the road isn't it??
but all and all, it is human itself who made the mistakes either the drivers or the victims..not to blame anybody here..but it seems that we as a human being sometimes forget that we are sharing the road ya....some people think using it should be in such a hurry..or sometimes take it as a leisure..afterall, don't be too judgemental..what I'm trying to say polite, do respect..and follow the rules and regulations...the rest just leave it to Allah s.w.t. and don't forget your prayer....cause Allah is always by your side...peace!! use the road safely ya..

Monday, December 20, 2010

Roti Jala Kari Ayam + CHAR KUEY TEOW Sg Dua

last week I have a site work task at PMU Taman Intan Sg Petani Kedah witnessing an RSV...RSV ni kira verification sebelum commisionaing utk energize power kat pencawang masuk utama TNB...huh...hari rabu (15/12/10) pagi gerk p sane....kecut perut gak masa witness tu..sbb takut produk company aku ade defect je..hehe..alhamdulillah..sume ok cuma ade la sikit minor2 defect tu..n dh clear pn...

warm morning with a set of 4 pieces ROti JAla with Kari Ayam...meletup yaawww!!!

pagi2 tu before g witness p try roti jala dulu....wahahahaha..mmg sgt sedap...x sia2 bgn pagi..kuah kari ayam dia mmg sgt pekat dan menjilat jari....u all should try this one...

Char Kuey Teow Sg sgt...very tasty....kecur lak rasa

so, nk dijadikan cerita....balik dari RSV tu mcm biasa la perut pn fren pn ajak g tempat's actually very near to the highway at the exit of Sg. Dua..hihi..sampai2 je terus snap satu gamba....kikiki..then order la main course there.....and bila sampai je bau menusuk hidung ni, selera pn tebukak la...peh..mmg terbaik...i can't even say a word pn...very gravy la kuah...seriously..I mmg suggest kat u all sume...give it a try ya...n sampai ke hari ni pn still terasa kat tekak ni lg....

the pro and contra of 20th Dec

as usual, Morning seem to be a very moody day for all of us as a career la kot..hehe..
it turn to be very cramp and congested for me and clique as we have a project which can be called partially confident to be examine by the customer...hmmm......the luck is not always belong to it turn to be the 'fail' day especially for my co-worker who is closely followup and handle this project....but not to feel so sad as that is called faith...tomorrow everyone would be call by the boss explaining the failure...ya help us with this obstacles....smoothen our journey....amin..

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My Legs turn like an old freaky 65 years old man....

hey pal....freaky title hah...nothing though...actually my legs feel so tired as I was walking here and there too much today...handling an FAT(Factory acceptance Test) with customer..hehe, really enjoyment...sharing ideas and thoughts..eventhough i'm not a Professional feels like sharing something which is very technical and explaining it till someone understand what u explain is just like somebody won the 'Lottery'....feel so happy....what is the important to me is just..keep on learning..and never felt lazy, dizzy, or give up to add more n more knowledge in ur pocket...tet....feel like watching movies now...tadaaaa....cya....

Friday, December 3, 2010

Live or Die

hmm...I was just came back from work this evening and about 500 metre to reach my little home sweet home..guest what!!..the road get jammed..this is abnormal .....I suspect there could be some roadblock nearest.... then I was just moving and I found out people stop by the road and looking at something ...then I realize it was an Xcident....I stopped my motorcycle and ask people there what's goin' on? the BRO said 'eksiden, denga citer budak puncak alam, kepala pecah'..few..when i heard that word 'kepala pecah' feel like 'nak pitam'......then I took the other road cause I want to look at it close up.....mmm...and then I ended up just near it....blood spill on the road...the victim was wrapped with 'black plastic' and I can't see the's okay....people just watching by the raod and murmuring among themselves..and then I was just move on as the policeman give a green light to continue our was jut a small lorry...but it could kill you....moral of the careful where-ever it is..

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

it's 30th NOV...less that 3 hrs towards DECEMBER!!!!!!........speaking of which ..what a chaotic week i hv...everything seems to be very fast....not enough much world turn upside down..I need to take a leave I think!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tik Tok Clicking clock

as the clock ticking it show exactly at 12.49 on the 20th Nov 2010 and I can't even close my winking little eyes. I look outside, it's raining now and suddenly my mind catch me of the old memories during my study years back in 2009. it is late night, the same time as today but i'm at the middle of studying wif frens for the exam preparation the whole week before the sacred date of my final year examination. I'm graduating end of this year(2009)...yahooooo!!!!! but not to be forgotten' my heart murmuring himself...'don't forget to say alhamdulillah'....and at that time, I feel like being born once again, as i kinda got an adrenalin to keep on 'calculating'..hihi...since i'm an engineering students lor..that i what we all do..keep on calculating until kinda 'weng' with numbers and so all that...back to graduating topic....then, take a break for a and my room mate jamal goes to the other room which others is studying 'wak n aiman' hehe....start chit chatting with them about future....hahaha.....suddenly the atmosphere seems to be serious in there....not fighting la...just thinking bout' who we are going to be after graduation..are we gonna further into master??? that time I was saying that my decicion is to finish up my Degree and working and after that if allah grant me with 'rezeki lebih' I will continue my master...but I think in MBA perhaps......wanna be BOS...kehkehkeh....insyallah ........and I hope that one day my ambition will be fullfilled....gracias!!!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010


day by day goes career..I think it's not there yet..I have to seek as much knowlegde as I must be a for it...feel I too comfort with current position??
inner heart said: no you are not another..
the other said: have to seek more and more..but...make it step by should have a proper plan in mind right??
inner heart said: sure, that should help more on this...
the other said: pray to Allah..insyaallah ...the barakah will surrounding you..streghten your base...get recognized...fill up the knowledge emptiness...take a break...execute the plan...

wind blowing~~~~my body feel cold....cold as the ice.....but the cold hearted....cause i have mind keep thinking of people who always took an advantage over I have to reveal them to the authority???am I too cruel??sight....sabar man.... ^_^

Friday, June 4, 2010

Feel It : Farshi Turab

Comment Here:

Ku terus Mencari

Terharu sudut hati kecil ini,
Tatkala menyebut bait-bait nukilanmu,
Tersentuh Naluriku,
Menghidupkan rasa bagai ingin ku hamparkan,
Segunung Kasih Sayang Buatmu,
Dilandasan Ciptaan yang Berkuasa ini,
Aku...berjalan mencari..mencari...dan mengumpul kekuatan,
Mengumpul azimat ilmu Allah,
Untuk apa?
Ya..untuk ku kongsikan buat orang yang kusayang,
Buat segenap Isi alam...
Jangan ada yang tersasar,
Jangan ada yang terbiar,
Jangan ada yang menyesal,
Hanyalah untukmu ya Allah,
Tuhan sekalian Alam,
Tiada sekutu bagimu..
Tatkala hembusan nafasku....
Di jemput Sakaratul Maut,
Aku pasrah dengan segala amanat,
Pesan yang pernah kutitipkan,
Dari bibirku yang merekah berdarah,
Insan kecil ini,
Masih mencari-cari,
Erti hidup,
Mencari keredhan Ilahi,
Mencari Sinar di jalan yang terang.....
Agar dapat menutupi,
Memperbaiki Khilaf Sendiri,
Kusampaikan kepada seluruh yang kukasihi,
Sedikit syafa'at yang dapat ku kupas,
Dari kalamullah,
Maafkan jasadkan..Rohku...Jiwaku...
Andai setiap baris tuturku,
Membuat Insan terguris..terhiris..menangis..
Kerna Aku...
Hanyalah Insan kerdil yang juga lemah...
Yang juga lelah....
Mencari tiang-tiang buat berpaut,
Buat meneruskan perjalananku..
Mencari terus mencari...
Rahsia zat yang tersembunyi..
kasihku padamu,
Takkan pernah padam,
Biar terus teguh walau badai menghempas,

Thursday, June 3, 2010



Dunia hari ini menyaksikan pertumpahan darah sekali lagi di perairan Gaza yang melibatkan aktivitis-aktivitis Misi Flotilla yang pada dasarnya hanyalah membawa bekalan kemanusiaan seperti perubatan, pakaian, makanan dan bantuan. Amat menyedihkan dan menggemparkan apabila rombongan ini telah di kepung oleh pasukan Komando Israel yang menuduh dan memprovokasikan bahawa rombongan itu membawa senjata dan kononnya menyerang mereka tatkala menahan dari meneruskan perjalanan menghantar bantuan itu.Kebiadaban Israel dengan jelas menidakkan hak orang2 palestin di Gaza untuk terus bernafas di bumi sendiri malah di kongkong di dalam penjara terbesar dunia buatan Israel iaitu semenanjung Gaza. Apakah masyarakat dunia harus terus berdiam diri dengan kekejaman yang di lakukan rejim Zionis terhadap penduduk palestin? jawapan ini haruslah kita tuntut dari Persatuan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) dan negara-negara kuasa besar seperti Jepun, China, Britain, Amerika Syarikat, Russia dan Jerman supaya memainkan peranan mereka agar bumi Gaza tidak terus bermandikan darah. Masyarakat dunia am-nya juga harus terus menyokong perjuangan pembebasan Gaza walau dengan apa cara sekalipun justeru membuktikan bahawa mereka (Israel) bukanlah ketua dunia yang sewenangnya merobek keamanan sejagat. Masyarakat Islam dunia juga mesti terus bersatu dan berdoa memohon bantuan dari Allah s.w.t supaya masyarakat palestin Gaza bebas dari cengakaman Rejim Zionis itu.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Beginnning

Life is so short, just like others i have my own ambition too.I was once thinking to create a blog long ago but it just a matter of time.And for now, i have decided to make mine.Living in a surrounding of a simple life make me feel grateful for what i have stand until now.In this lovely morning at 6.40 a.m. of 16th May this page was created.My vision is about to share as much knowledge I have to everybody and make lot of friends ou there.I bare to share stories with others and hearing thought and for sure giving an advice if needed.So,please don't hesitate to ask me if even it is very private, insyallah i'll help.Welcome..