Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hye there 2012

At the Peak of The Broga Hill..feel relaxation
Rasa mcm mimpi je kan...tau2 dh 2012..lg 8 tahun je nk are one step closer towards WAWASAN 2020...Bila ingt2 balik..mcm2benda jadi tahun 2011...Tsunami terburuk yg melanda jepun tu mcm terngiang2 lg je..but yg paling best 2011 I travel and staying at Site a lot ...what an experience man..sampaikan x boleh nk express by word pon...tell you is awesome..Travelling make me think so much about how precious we were born in this world and I really2 apprecaite dlm 2011 ni pn..ade sedihnya jugak..I lost 1 of my best ever friends...Arwah Hambali as I was write the story last time..morale of this is, selagi kita ade masa dan ade kawan2 serta keluarga disekeliling kita ni, hargailah dorang..bcoz, one day..u are gonna miss them a lot..x lupa juga kpd kawan yg kehilangan ahli keluarga mereka yg tercinta.. for this 2012..I will strive even more and become even better as a son, friends, boyfriend(cewah..girlfren pn lama xde dah..), Boss, Subordinates dan rakan sekerja...what ever it is, I will face it with Brain and brave..may ALLAH grant me the strength.. AMIN...

Broga Hill one more time