Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sabah Borneo

Sandakan which located at 5.845677,118.057057 or as seen on the map is around the eye of the 'dog'. Depart 0715 hours there at 26 May 2011 for attending commissioning and testing at the PPU Tshun Ngen situated just 15 minutes from Bandar utama. It took us 2 hours 45 minutes to cross over South China Sea at 30000 ft above sea level. As arrived at the Sandakan Airport, i turned on my phone at had some shocking news from my factory where my beloved friend Ambali passed away in an accident near Jalan Duta. I feel very sad and grief for the lost as he is the leader in the production line and become my right hand in coordinating projects. receiving the news make me shed my tears and it can't be hold anymore as we do share same interest in an extreme sport and used to skate together. knowing him as very cheerful person was such a gift and no replaced for him. I do remember his last work a day before I depart to sandakan, he used to ask me to bring him together on any trip to site work. remembering those words make feel very sad and I never notice that it was our last conversation and laughter. my condolences also to his family and brother in law Mr. Abu bakar who used to work at the same factory. apart of that, work still have to be continued and therefore, rental car was ready for us at the terminal and without wasting much time, we commence to our destination PPU Tshun Ngen inside Tshun Ngen park. Arriving there at around 12 after having lunch at the nearest town and straightly continue on panel inspection as reported to be updated at some point. meanwhile, PIC there which Charelene Isabelle was called upon and informed that she will arrived at around 2 p.m. First task is to cahnge the faulty diode and we have to get permission from isabelle to shutdown the RTU for about 30 minutes and alhamdulillah job done no less than 10 minutes at the RTU's were turn ON. during night after completing job, we set our destination to have a diner, the destination is Pasar Ikan Sim Sim which selling barbecue fish and very cheap. we do enjoy our food. going back to Hotel Utama which we work already booked before come to sabah was so much pleasure as their kindness and hospitality. night become so sleepy at around 11pm and we fall asleep. waking up as early as 5 a.m. since subuh prayer there is 4.43 a.m. could be our valuable experience.

wake up in the morning, get prepared and having breakfast at the nearest mamak stall not far from our hotel but still have to drive by car. after that, journey continue back to substation to continue our job there. at he late noon, we have decided to send my colleague to the airport as he had to attend ceremony at his kampong..that make me stay there alone..comtiniung my job at Tshun Ngen uptill afternoon. lucky for me cause in the afternoon, i was inform that our part was just finish and test will proceed on next trip..that mean i have 1 extra day to have beautiful vacation in Sandakan.....yahoooo.... ape lg..I pun google on the net, place of target Sepilok Orang utan Sanctuary, Rainforest discovery centre, Agnes Keith House, Rotary observation, Sandakan Central Market and Pasar Ikan Sim Sim... piss yaww...

~~LCCT Airport~~

                                                                 ~~Rotary Observation~~

                                                          Sandakan Central Market

                                                           Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary

                                                          Rainforest Discovery Centre

                                            wif some visitors at Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary

                                                             -- The cute Orang Utan--

wow..what a very tiring day...penat time..some souvinears for lovely frens n  family flight was at 9pm..I was at the airport as early as 7 pm..and shopping some more..handover rental cars...check in flight ticket..n chow..goes back to Semenanjung...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Selamat Hari Mak!!

9 Bulan 10 hari bukanlah suatu masa yg singkat buat seorang wanita untuk ditempuhi sehari2 sambil membawa sebuah kehidupan baru di dalamnya. setiap hari di jaga dengan teliti, penuh kasih sayang, diisi dengan rohani, jasmani agar sempurna. kesakitan yang ditanggung langsung tidak mematahkan semangatnya utk terus meniti hari, yang diukir hanya senyuman tatkala si kecil menendang manja. Hari yang dijangka tiba jua dan si ibu tabah menahan segala kesakitan dan segala kekuatan dikumpul. apa yang penting, kalahirannya selamat. terpancar senyuman dan hilanglah kesakitan saat derai tangis si kecil memenuhi ruang unit kelahiran. Si kecil itu dibelai manja, dijaga erat. jangan ada langsung nyamuk yang berani menggigit, pasti di tuntut. Impiannya hanya satu, si kecil membesar sihat, dan menjadi insan berguna buat keluarga, bangsa, agama dan negara tercinta. Mak, dilahirkan olehmu adalah satu anugerah dari Allah kerna diberi kesempatan ini untuk mengenal dunia yang penuh pancaroba ini. setiap leteran dan nasihatmu  kujadikan azimat dalam setiap langkahku. Doa kutitip agar Mak sentiasa sihat dan dilindungi Allah. Terima Kasih Mak dan Selamat hari ibu/Mak/umie/mama/mami/bonda/amma.

sincerely yours